Cline, a child psychiatrist, and Fay, an educational consultant, developed their “Love and Logic” approach to assist parents in becoming more effective in interactions with their children.
As an alternative to the “helicopter” parent or “drill sergeant” approach, Cline and Fay advocate a “consultant” parent role. This approach is built on a base of empathy, love, choices, consequences, and understanding. It fosters a conscious parenting approach designed to raise competent, confident children able to use problem-solving skills successfully as they negotiate life’s challenges.
Parents of teens, struggling with the pulling-away yet not fully responsible dynamic, will find the guidance in Cline and Fay’s Parenting Teens with Love and Logic: Preparing Adolescents for Responsible Adulthood wise and practical.
A Sample of “Love and Logic” materials :
· Parenting with Love and Logic
· Parenting Teens with Love and Logic
· Parenting Children with Health issues
· Four Steps to Responsibility
· Raising the Odds for Responsible Behavior
· Avoiding Power Struggles with Kids
· Love Me Enough to Set Some Limits Some
· Helicopters, Drill Sergeants, and Consultants
· How to Discipline Kids without Losing Their Love and Respect
Success with Strong-Willed, Stubborn or Downright Defiant Kids