The Many Faces of AD/HD: AD/HD & Parenting

October is ADHD Awareness Month.  This post focuses on awareness of – and discarding myths about – ADHD and parenting.


                        the toughest 
                        you’ll ever love!

                Parenting a child 
                with ADHD: 
                even a bit tougher.

                Parenting if you have 
                poses its own challenges.


Combining all the above?  Hats off to you!

Before considering anything else about parenting and ADHD, let’s set the record straight on one thing: 

Poor parenting does not cause ADHD!

ADHD is a neurobiological (biochemical) disorder recognized by the National Institute of Health, the US Department of Education, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Psychiatric Association.

ADHD is not your fault!

Another important point:
You don’t have to do it all alone: Parents deserve support!

Here are some steps you can take to make life easier: 

Step 1: Get a thorough assessment for your child/yourself, including medical, educational, and psychological evaluations if appropriate.

Step 2: Learn as much about ADHD and parenting kids with ADHD as you can.

Step 3: Follow treatment recommendations for medications, therapy, and/or coaching.

Step 4: Understand educational rights related to ADHD and work with your child’s school to assure optimal success.

Step 5: Use behavior management strategies and skill-building approaches to help your child as needed.

Step 6:  Set up routines to help make daily home life as smooth as possible.

Step 7: Enjoy your child and emphasize his/her strengths!

Step 8: Seek out support and take good care of yourself.

To learn more:

CHADD (Children and Adults with AD/HD) offers Parent-to-Parent training classes that cover many of the steps above.

Other useful resources: 

Moms With ADHD: A Self-Help Manual 

When Moms and Kids Have AD/HD

ADHD at Varied Ages


Wondering how to put all this in place for yourself and your child? A coach can help!
Contact me for a free introductory consultation about AD/HD coaching:

Posted in ADHD, child, parenting