Who’s on Your Team?

If you’ve got ADHD, you don’t need to go it alone!

So, who’s on your team?

Do you have, or would you benefit from the following team members:

1) Well-informed, supportive family and friends?
It’s no fun to have family and friends judge or blame you for your ADHD symptoms, and it really helps to have allies who understand what you’re going through..

2) A thorough diagnostician (typically, psychiatrist or psychologist)? 
ADHD is often the tip of the iceberg, so to speak. It’s not uncommon to have associated learning disabilities. Depression and/or anxiety can also accompany ADHD. So, for the best treatment and management, it’s very helpful to get a thorough diagnostic picture.

3) A knowledgeable psychiatrist or psychiatric NP?
ADHD medication management can be very individual. A psychiatrist or psychiatric nurse practitioner who is very familiar with ADHD can help you evaluate the possibility of, and best choices for, medication. Relying on your internist, general practitioner or pediatrician is often not the best option.

4)  A trustworthy healthcare provider?
Maintaining good general health is important for anyone! Certain ADHD symptoms, such as sleep and related fatigue, are important to discuss with your healthcare provider so you can rule out complicating medical factors.

5) A therapist an/oror coach specializing in ADHD?
A therapist or coach can be your ally and help you identify your strengths and pinpoint your challenges. A therapist can help with emotional issues related to ADHD, like anxiety and depression. A coach can help you develop skills and strategies for managing your ADHD. For more on the distinction between therapy and coaching, see the International Coach Federation’s FAQs. Sometimes it can be helpful to have a therapist and coach at the same time, particularly if they are willing to collaborate. Note that a therapist or coach who does not specialize in ADHD may not really get what you are going through.

6) A support group?
If you cannot find a support group in your area, look for a group or classes online, or consider attending a conference to meet others with ADHD. CHADD has a chat room, ADDA is an organization for adults with ADHD, ADD Classes is an option, and there are others as well. Both CHADD and ADDA hold annual conferences, and CHADD has chapters in many locations as well.

7) An organizer with ADHD experience?
If you are an adult particularly challenged by organization at home or inthe office, an organizer specializing in ADHD or chronic disorganization can be a great help. Some organizers asre also coaches and vis-versa.

8) A tutor with ADHD or LD experience?
If you are a student, certain symptoms of ADHD – working memory in particular – as well as any associated learning disabilities, can impact academic success. Math and writing are two common areas of challenge. A tutor familiar with ADHD and/or LDs can help you not only keep on task, but learn material in ways that work best for you personally.

9) Your school counselor, IEP team or college disability services?
Being open with your school counselor, or disclosing your diagnosis to your college disability office, can help assure you get the accommodations and supports that will bolster your success. In most cases you will need to share the results of a recent thorough ADHD assessment to get services

10) A babysitter, particularly one who understands ADHD?
If you are a parent with ADHD, you will likely needs some breaks! If you are the parent of a child or children with ADHD, you’ll want to make sure any babysitter is familiar with ADHD and with strategies that work well for your child(ren).

11) Parent training and/or coaching?
As a parent of a child or children with ADHD, parent training (see CHADD Parent-2-Parent training) and/or working with an ADHD coach having experience with families or children can help you develop the skills and strategies to best guide your child(ren) and manage any challenging ADHD-related behaviors in a constructive way. ADHDImpact is another useful parent resource.

12) A career coach specializing in ADHD (or an ADHD coach with expertise in career issues)?
Some individuals with ADHD have trouble finding a career that is a good fit. Rather than floundering, consider some help figuring out what might match your strengths and interests and work well given your symptoms.

13) A financial advisor?
If ADHD impacts managing your finances, don’t hesitate to get help in this critical arena.

14) Other supports?
Would you benefit from family education, marriage counseling, nutritional advice, an exercise class or exercise buddy, special programs such as brain training or neuro-feedback? Look for the information and support that will help you feel and do your best!

So…Who’s on your team? And who might be missing?

To learn more about ADHD Coaching, and the role a coach might play on your team, see my website at www.lizahmann.com

Photo credit: adamr, freedigitalphotos.net

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